Referreed Publications
Referreed Publications
Posada, G.*, Lu, T., Trumbell, J., Kaloustian, G., Trudel, M., Plata, S., Peña, P., Perez, J., Tereno, S., Dugravier, R., Coppola, G., Pierini, A., Cassibba, R., Kondo-Ikemura, K., Noblega, M., Haya, I. M., Pedraglio, C., Verissimo, M., Santos, A. J., Monteiro, L., & Lay, K.-L. (2013). Is the secure base phenomenon evident here, there, and anywhere? A cross-cultural study of child behavior and experts’ definitions. Child Development. 84(6):1896-1905
Chen, K.-H., Lay, K.-L.*, & Wu, Y.-C. (2013). The predictability of identity importance and identity firmness to depression: Developmental changes across adolescence. Chinese Journal of Psychology. Vol. 55, 237-254.
Chen, K.-H.*, Lay, K.-L., Soong, W.-T., & Wu, Y.-C. (2011). The ecological validity of the construct of identity importance, identity firmness, and identity discrepancy: The therapeutic effect of the adolescent individual identity intervention program. Formosa Journal of Mental Health. Vol. 24, 549-582.
Lay, K.-L.* & Chen, L.-J. (2010). Play behaviors of mothers of preschoolers: Attachment and cultural comparison. Chinese Journal of Psychology. Vol. 52, 397-423.
Huang, S.-Y., Lay, K.-L.*, & Chen, Y.-C. (2009). The assessment of the organizational construct of mastery motivation: The reliability and validity in infants of 9 months old. Chinese Journal of Psychology. Vol. 51, 501-526.
Chen, Y.-R., Lay, K.-L.*, Cheng, S.-Y. , Wang, L.-C., Ko, N.-C., Huang, Y.-W., Hseih, C.-C., Chan, H.-y., Yang, C.-L., Li, S.-C., Wu, Y.-Y., Chang , H.-L., Huang, Y.-S., Liu, H.-J., & Tsai, W.-C. (2009). The individual differences of temperament and parenting stress in preschoolers with autism. Chinese Journal of Psychology. Vol. 51, 173-194.
Lee, I.-C., Lay, K.-L.*, Wu, Y.-C., Liu I.-Y., & Hsieh, Y.-P. (2008). The contribution of social network interaction system on maternal depression and acceptance of cleft lip and/or palate infants: moderating and main effect. Chinese Journal of Psychology. Vol. 50, 303-326.
Yeh, P.-C. & Lay, K.-L.* (2008). Vulnerability and inflammability to peer verbal aggression: Sociometric and developmental differences. Chinese Journal of Psychology. Vol, 50, 49-69.
Wang, M.-C. & Lay, K.-L.* (2008). The response evaluation and emotional experiences of indirect aggression: Findings from children during early adolescence in a culturally Chinese context. Chinese Journal of Psychology. Vol. 50, 71-90.
Chen, K.-H., Lay, K.-L.*, Wu, Y.-C., & Yao, G. (2007). Adolescent self-identity and mental health: The function of identity importance, identity firmness, and identity discrepancy. Chinese Journal of Psychology. Vol. 49, 53-72.
Wang, M.-C. & Lay, K.-L.* (2007). Peer-estimated indirect aggression during early adolescence: Construct validity and its relation to sociometric status. Chinese Journal of Psychology. Vol. 49, 205-224.
Chen, K.-H., Lay, K.-L.*, & Wu, Y.-C. (2005). The developmental differences of identity content and exploration among adolescents of different stages. Chinese Journal of Psychology. Vol. 47, 249-268.
Liu, I.-Y. & Lay, K.-L.* (2005). Maternal sense of personal impact and child rearing attitudes of cleft lip and/or palate newborns: The predictability of risk factors existed before delivery. Chinese Journal of Psychology. Vol. 47, 61-82.
Lay, K.-L.* & Hsu, K.-Y. (2002). Emotion development and parent-child relationship: From the perspectives of attachment and temperament. Infant and Toddler Development from Age Zero to Three (2nd Edition). pp. 86-163. Hsin-Yi Foundation: Taipei, ROC.
Lay, K.-L.*, Chiang, M.-Y., & Yang, P.-F. (2001). Differentiation between the attempts and the consequences of conflict resolutions for filial dilemmas: A content analysis of television prime-time dramas. Chinese Journal of Psychology. Vol. 43, 83-101.
Lay, K.-L. (2000). The emergence and development of infant emotions: Evolution, temperament, and attachment. Infant and Toddler Development from Age Zero to Three (1st Edition). pp. 152-215. Hsin-Yi Foundation: Taipei, ROC.
Lay, K.-L. (1999). The application of Erikson’s psychosocial stage theory in helping children with psychological trauma after the 921 Chi-Chi earthquake. Formosa Journal of Mental Health. Vol. 12, 93-128.
Lay, K.-L. (1996). Patterns of Parent-Child Interactions Manifested in Television Prime-Time Dramas. Television Culture Research Series #10. Taipei: Television-Culture Research Committee.
Lay, K. L., Waters, E.*, Posada, G., & Ridgeway, D. (1995). Attachment security, affect regulation, and defensive responses to mood Induction. In E. Waters, B. E. Vaughn, G. Posada, and K. Kondo-Ikemura (Eds.), Caregiving, Cultural, and Cognitive Perspectives on Secure-Base Behavior and Working Models: New Growing Points of Attachment Theory and Research. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development. Vol. 60 (2-3, Serial # 244), pp. 179-196.
Posada, G., Waters, E.*, Crowell, J., & Lay, K. L. (1995). Is it easier to use a secure mother as a secure base: Attachment Q-sort correlates of the Berkeley Adult Attachment Interview. In E. Waters, B. E. Vaughn, G. Posada, Curriculum Vitae Page 4 雷庚玲Keng-Ling Lay 9/14/2013 and K. Kondo-Ikemura (Eds.), Caregiving, Cultural, and Cognitive Perspectives on Secure-Base Behavior and Working Models: New Growing Points of Attachment Theory and Research. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development. Vol. 60 (2-3, Serial # 244), pp. 133-145.
Waters, E.*, Posada, G., Crowell, J. A., & Lay, K. L. (1994). The development of attachment: From control system to working models. Psychiatry. Vol. 57, 32- 42.
Waters, E.*, Posada, G., Crowell, J. A., & Lay, K. L. (1993). Is attachment theory ready to contribute to our understanding of disruptive behavior problems? Development and Psychopathology. Vol. 5, #1-2, 215-224.
Park, K. A.*, Lay, K. L., & Ramsay, L. (1993). Individual differences and developmental changes in preschoolers' friendships. Developmental Psychology. Vol. 29, 264-270.
Lay, K. L., Waters, E.*, & Park, K. A. (1989). Maternal responsiveness and child compliance: The role of mood as a mediator. Child Development. Vol. 60, 1405-1411.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Lay, K.-L.* & Huang S.-Y. (2013, July). Cross-Cultural Similarity and Differences in the Concept of Mastery Motivation. The 13th European Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden.
Chen, K.-H.* & Lay, K.-L. (2012). Adolescent identity commitment, automatic thoughts, and psychological states: An examination of Hobfoll’s conservation of resources theory. The biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Vancouver, Canada.
Hsu, K.-Y.*, Lay, K.-L., & Kung, J.-F. (2011, March/Apri). Test of the validity of Children's Behavior Questionnaire-Chinese version: Comparing between parental and teacher's ratings. The biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Chen, Y.-R. & Lay, K.-L.* (2011, March/Apri). Temperamental threshold of responsiveness of children with autism and maternal stress: The moderating effect of emotional support. The biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Lay, K.-L.*, Chang, T.-C., & Tsai, Y.-M. (2011, March/Apri). The vulnerability of Chinese adolescents holding the incremental view of intelligence: The effect of the entity view of effort. The biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Kung, J.-F. & Lay, K.-L.* (2011, March/Apri). Preschoolers' multiple achievement-goal choices in a ring toss paradigm. The biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
黃素英、雷庚玲 (2011). 精熟向度問卷中文版之心理計量特性及長期穩定性:10 個月至53 個月. 第十二屆國際發展遲緩兒童早期療育論文發表大會, 台北.
華紹昌、雷庚玲*、陳坤虎 (2010). 青少年憂鬱之風險因子、資源因子、與保護因 子:形象認同加權確定性的效果. 台灣心理學會年會, 嘉義.
Lay, K.L. & Wu, C.S. (2009, April). The Connection Between "Entity View of Effort" and Depression in Chinese Adolescents: A Developmental Perspective. biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO, USA.
Lay, K.L. & Wu, C.S. (2009, April). The Causal Direction Between "Entity View of Effort" and Depression in Chinese Adolescents: A Cross-Lagged Panel Design. biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO, USA.
Lay, K.L., Wu, C.S., Tsai, Y.M. & Chen, K.H. (2009, April). The "Entity View of Effort" Predicts Adolescents' Learning Behaviors and Emotions. biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO, USA.
Majdandzic, M.*, Putnam, S. P., Süß, F., Kung, J.-F., Lay, K.-L., van Liempt, I., Hagenbeek, S., van Bakel, H., de Bruijn, A., & Gartstein, M. A. (2009, April). Cross-Cultural Investigation of Temperament in Early Childhood using the Children's Behavior Questionnaire. In Maria Amy Gartstein, Samuel P. Putnam (Chairs), Cross-cultural study of temperament: Implications for social-emotional development across the lifespan, Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO, USA
Chen, Y.C., Lay, K.L., Huang, S.Y. (2008, March). Maternal Behaviors in a Teaching Context with Infants of 9 Months Old. XVIth International Conference on Infant Studies, Vancouver, Canada.
Huang, S.Y., Lay, K.L., Chen, Y.C. (2008, March). Infant Behaviors in Problem Solving Contexts: Does Social Resourcefulness Matter?. XVIth International Conference on Infant Studies, Vancouver, Canada.
Lay, K.L. & Lee, P.C. (2007, March). The Goal Structure of Chinese Students and Its Impact on Achievement Motivation. biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA, USA.
Lay, K.L. & Wang, M.C. (2007, March). Young Adolescents' Experience, Perception, and Response Evaluation of Indirect Aggression: Findings from a Chinese Sample. biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA, USA.
Wang, M.C. & Lay, K.L. (2007, March). Peer-Estimated Indirect Aggression during Early Adolescence: Construct Validity and Its Relation to Sociometric Status. biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA, USA.
張泰銓、雷庚玲、鄭雁比 (2007). 華人學生的努力概念:努力是無條件積極的道德義務嗎?. 台灣心理學會年會, 台南.
項樂琦、雷庚玲 (2007). 性別角色刻板印象威脅對不同性別特質與年齡的青少女之成就表現與自我評估的影響. 台灣心理學會年會, 台南.
陳韻如、雷庚玲、鄭欣宜、柯乃綺、梁君涵、王麗娟 (2007). 自閉症兒童氣質之個別差異研究. 台灣臨床心學會第二屆會員大會暨學術研討會, 台南.
Lee, M.-C. & Lay, K.-L.* (2006, October). Children's Verbal Aggression Tendency toward Peers and Responsiveness to Maternal Harsh Verbal Disciplines. 法律與家庭學術研討會, 南港.
Lay, K.-L.*, Chen, L.-J., & Lin, G..-B. (2005, April). Play Behaviors of Mothers of Preschoolers: Quantitative Cultural Comparison between Taipei and New York. The biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Lee, P.-C., Wu, C.-S., & Lay, K.-L.* (2005, April). Praising Ability is Not Worse but Even Better than Praising Effort: Two Replications of Mueller & Dweck (1998) on Chinese Children. In Keng-Ling Lay (Chair), Reconsidering the Effects of Entity and Incremental Feedbacks in Academic Situations: Findings From a Chinese Population. Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Tseng, H.-Y., & Lay, K.-L.* (2005, April). Are Incremental Theorists Always More Adaptive? The Effect of Effort Feedback on Self-Liking among Chinese Adolescents. In Keng-Ling Lay (Chair), Reconsidering the Effects of Entity and Incremental Feedbacks in Academic Situations: Findings From a Chinese Population. Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Lay, K.-L.*, & Tsai, Y.-M. (2005, April). Moral, Pragmatic, and Entity Concepts of Academic Effort among Chinese Adolescents: A Developmental Perspective. In Keng-Ling Lay (Chair), Reconsidering the Effects of Entity and Incremental Feedbacks in Academic Situations: Findings From a Chinese Population. Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Cheng, Y.-P., Lay, K.-L.*, & Tseng, H.-Y. (2005, April). Is “industry” an essence of morality among Chinese adolescents? In Keng-Ling Lay (Chair), Reconsidering the Effects of Entity and Incremental Feedbacks in Academic Situations: Findings From a Chinese Population. Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Tsai, Y.-M. & Lay, K.-L.* (2005, April). Do Chinese adolescents fit into an abilitydriven Western framework of achievement motivation? A developmental perspective. The biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, GA, USA.
李依親、雷庚玲*、劉逸元 (2005). 三向度社會支持量表與唇顎裂及一般新生兒母 親憂鬱狀況的相關研究. 台灣心理學會年會, 中壢,桃園.
陳立容、雷庚玲* (2005). 以量化觀察探討學齡前兒童之母親遊戲行為的依戀個別差異. 台灣心理學會年會, 中壢,桃園.
項樂琦、陳坤虎、雷庚玲* (2005). 「努力本質觀」對台灣地區大學生身心健康之預測. 台灣心理學會年會, 中壢,桃園.
吳季珊、雷庚玲* (2005). 「表現努力」目標的國中生對教師能力、努力評語的反應. 台灣心理學會年會, 中壢,桃園.
Chen, K. H., Lay, K. L.*, Chen, H. J., Wu, Y. C., & Soong, W. T. (2004, September). Proactive coping and mental health: Optimism and self-esteem as moderators. The Third International Positive Psychology Summit, Washington, DC, USA.
Chen, K. H., Lay, K. L.*, & Wu, Y. C. (2003, October). Sense of identity firmness and positive mental health. The Second International Positive Psychology Summit, Washington, DC, USA.
Chen, K. H., Lay, K. L.*, & Wu, Y. C. (2003, November). Sense of identity firmness and emotional disorder. The 3rd Congress of Asian Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (ASCAPAP), Taipei, ROC.
Lay, K.-L.* & Tseng, H. Y. (2003, March). The effect of verbal disciplines in the context of school failure: Relationship-specific or content-specific?. The biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tempa, Florida, USA.
Tseng, H. Y. & Lay, K.-L.* (2003, March). Children's sense of self competence and face: How are they affected by teachers' entity versus incremental comments?. The biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tempa, Florida, USA.
Chen, K. H., Wu, Y. C., & Lay, K. L.* (2002, December). The content and measuring dimensions of self-identity: Developmental differences during adolescence. The convention for the academy of Chinese psychologist & the Chinese psychological and behavioral science, Taipei, ROC.
Lay, K. L.* & Tseng, H. Y. (2002). The differential eEffect of verbal abuse on children’s self-esteem: An experimental analysis. The XXV International Congress of Applied Psychology, Singapore.
Lay, K. L.* (2002). Research on the development of infant social emotions: Developmental trend versus individual differences. The 2nd Hsin-Yi Conference for Infant and Toddler Development, Taipei, Taiwan.
Yang, C. W. & Lay, K.-L.* (2001, April). Perception of parental attitude as a buffer for the impact of verbal abuse on self-esteem. The biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
Chou, W. H. & Lay, K.-L.* (2001, April). Coping styles for parental verbal abuse: An organizational perspective. The biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
Chou, W. H., Lay, K.-L.*, & Yang, C. W. (2001, April). Differential vulnerability to parental verbal abuse in different domains of actual family conflicts. The biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
Wang, S.-h. & Lay, K.-L.* (1999, April). The effect of the normative information accompanied with teacher's comments. In Keng-Ling Lay (Chair), Reconsideration of the Effects of Teachers' and Parents' Verbal Comments and Disciplines: Findings from a Chinese Population. Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Wang, S.-h. & Lay, K.-L.* (1999, April) . Concept of compensatory relation between effort and ability: A comparison between Chinese adults and children. In Keng-Ling Lay (Chair), Reconsideration of the Effects of Teachers' and Parents' Verbal Comments and Disciplines: Findings from a Chinese Population. Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, NM, USA.
Lay, K.-L.*; Chen, Y.-S.; Lee, M.-C.; & Chuang, S-f. (1999, April). Chinese adolescents' and parents' conception of parental authority in the domain of "family ethics." In Keng-Ling Lay (Chair), Reconsideration of the Effects of Teachers' and Parents' Verbal Comments and Disciplines: Findings from a Chinese Population. Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, NM, USA.
Lee, M.-C. & Lay, K.-L.* (1999, April). The relation between first-graders' verbal aggression tendency toward peers and their vulnerability to hypothetical maternal verbal abuse. In Keng-Ling Lay (Chair), Reconsideration of the Effects of Teachers' and Parents' Verbal Comments and Disciplines: Findings from a Chinese Population. Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, NM, USA.
Lay, K.-L.* & Chen, Y.-S. (1999, April). The effect of the variance of past academic performance on ability attribution: A comparison between adults and children. The biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, NM, USA.
李明芝、雷庚玲* (1999, April). 受歡迎、被拒絕及被忽略學童之言語攻擊傾向及對成人言語攻擊之受傷敏感度. 中國心理學會年會, 台北.
雷庚玲*、梁珪瑜、湯志安、王素華 (1997, May). 父母說負向言語之分類架構及本土盛行率. 思維方式及其現代意義--第四屆華人心理與行為科際學術研討會, 南港,台北.
雷庚玲* (1997, December). 母親對兒童的絕對評估與手足比較評估. 第二屆國際華人心理學家學術研討會, 沙田,新界,香港.
劉逸元、雷庚玲* (1997, December). 唇顎裂新生兒母親對孩子的態度之相關因素. 第二屆國際華人心理學家學術研討會, 沙田,新界,香港.
王素華、雷庚玲* (1997, December). 學業成就與教師評語對小學生社會覺知的影響. 第二屆國際華人心理學家學術研討會, 沙田,新界,香港.
江美瑩、雷庚玲*、楊品鳳 (1997, December). 台灣電視連續劇所顯示之「自我犧牲」孝道困境消解模式. 第二屆國際華人心理學家學術研討會, 沙田,新界,香港.
Lay, K.-L.*, Wang, S.-H., Soong, P., & Yang, W.-M. (1997, April). Verbal abuse in Chinese Families: Its prevalence and consequences. The biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Washington, D. C., USA.
Lay, K.-L.* & Huang, S.-Y. (1997, April). The vicissitude of emotions in the operation of the attachment control system. The biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Washington, D. C., USA.
王素華、蔡文吟、雷庚玲* (1996). 老師負向言語內容及引發事由分佈之初探. 中國心理學會年會, 南港,台北.
梁珪瑜、雷庚玲* (1996). 父母說負向言語之動機及影響:父母與國中生之觀點的差異比較. 中國心理學會年會, 南港,台北.
Lay, K.-L.* & Lin, B. Y. (1995, April). Do mothers' happiness-enhancing attempts result in preschoolers' compliance?. The biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Indianapolis, IN, USA. NSC-83-0301-H-002-005-T.
湯志安、雷庚玲* (1995). 母親以「負向言語」與「分離焦慮」為管教手段之研究. 中國心理學會年會, 台北.
雷庚玲*、梁珪瑜 (1995). 中國父母的言語傷害:三、不同發展階段中「言語傷害」嚴重性的比較研究. 中國心理學會年會, 台北.
雷庚玲*、楊文玫、李琦媛 (1994). 中國父母的言語傷害:一、驗証現象是否存在. 中國心理學會年會, 台北.
楊文玫、李琦媛、雷庚玲* (1994). 中國父母的言語傷害:二、父母言語傷害與目前親子互動品質之間的相關. 中國心理學會年會, 台北.
Lay, K.-L. (1993, March). Individual differences of preschoolers' reactions to mood induction: Are securely attached children "happier children"?. The biennial meeting of Society for Research in Child Development, New Orleans, LA.
Lay, K.-L., Waters, E., & Crowell, J. A.* (1992, October). Developing defensive/coping styles: Mothers' working models of attachment, children's security of attachment and response to mood induction. The convention of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, San Antonio, TX.
Lay, K.-L. (1991, April). A maternal behavioral index for increasing preschoolers' positive emotions. The biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.
Park, K. A.*, Lay, K.-L., & Ramsay, L. (1990, March). Stability and change in preschoolers' friendships. The Conference on Human Development, Richmond, VA.
Lay, K.-L. (1988, May). Mood mediates the relation between maternal responsiveness and child compliance: Its implication for cross-cultural comparison. The meeting of the Association of Young Chinese Social Scientists in North America, Washington D.C.
Lay, K.-L. (1987, April). Maternal responsiveness and children's mood state. The biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.
Cheng, S.-W.*, Lay, K.-L., Huang, C.-L., & Wang, M.-Y. (1982). Case study of language acquisition in two Chinese toddlers. The annual meeting of Chinese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan.